Your car accident is going to take a toll on nearly every aspect of your life. While much of your focus following your wreck is going to be on recouping compensation for the financial harm that’s been caused to you, there are also very real emotional and psychological effects of your crash.
To recover as fully as possible after your car accident, you have to know how to address all of these damages and secure the effective treatment that you need. That’s why in this blog post we want to take a closer look at some of these lesser talked about damages.
The mental, emotional, and psychological harm caused by a car accident
The ramifications of your car accident can be wide-ranging. In fact, a lot of people who are injured in a wreck experience some or all of the following:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Irritability
- Fearfulness
- Mood swings
- Nightmares
- Trouble concentrating
- Loss of interest in once loved activities
- Embarrassment, particularly if your injuries left you with disfigurement
These symptoms can disrupt your daily living, making it hard for you to get to work or school. You might even find it hard to get going in the morning. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, then you should reach out to a medical professional. After all, these may be signs that you have a diagnosable condition like post-traumatic stress disorder.
Signs that you might have post-traumatic stress disorder
Post-traumatic stress disorder is a condition that often develops when an individual has been exposed to a highly traumatic event. Those who suffer from the condition often experience the following:
- Intense and involuntary recall of the accident
- Recurrent and excessively frightening nightmares
- Flashbacks that sometimes result in blackouts
- Avoidance of activities that trigger memories of the accident
- Depression
- Social withdrawal
- Thoughts or acts of self-harm
Post-traumatic stress disorder is a serious condition that requires mental health treatment. Therapy can help, but many sufferers also need medication to help them curb their symptoms. If you think you might have post-traumatic stress disorder, then now is the time to seek help.
How long does car accident trauma last?
There’s no concrete answer here, as it depends on the severity of your accident and how your brain handles the trauma of it. Some car accident victims quickly move on from their wreck, while others struggle with the emotional and mental harm caused to them for years.
Therefore, in the aftermath of your accident, you need to be aware of any symptoms that you exhibit. Those can be difficult to catch on your own, though, which is why it might be a good idea to ask your family and friends about any observations that they’ve made.
If symptoms of mental health issues are identified, try not to feel ashamed. This isn’t something that you’ve chosen to take on, and mental health issues are more common in our society than many people realize. There’s nothing wrong with seeking out the mental health treatment that you need, and it might be the only way to reclaim the life that you knew pre-accident. There are other steps that you can take to with your trauma, all of which you should consider implementing in your daily living.
Seek accountability for the harm that was caused to you in your car accident
Although much of the focus in a personal injury case is on recovering compensation for your physical injuries, you also need to address the emotional, mental, and psychological harm that’s been caused to you. By tracking your treatment, medications, and the impact your condition has had on your daily living, you can position yourself to recover the compensation you’re owed.