If you are preparing to go through a divorce in Kentucky, you are likely worried about informing your children. Even though this can be challenging for you, following the tips below can ease the discussion and help your children better understand their new family structure.
Be honest
Remember that you set the tone for the conversation. It is best that you are honest and upfront with your children about your impending divorce.
At the same time, make sure to keep the conversation appropriate for your children’s ages. Being honest does not mean that your children need to know your divorce’s every detail, especially if it is contentious.
You want to focus the conversation on how much each of you as parents loves and cares for them. And that even though your marriage is ending, they will continue to have both parents in their lives.
Listen to them
Each child will have their own way of responding to the news, and each one will feel the need to express their emotions at their own pace. Know that it is common for children to have mixed emotions or feelings of anxiety or fear. Try to be patient and flexible during this time.
Let your children know that you are there for them and are happy to listen to them when they are ready to talk. Make sure not to force a conversation as that can have adverse effects.
Chart a path forward
After you share the news, let your children know the next steps to anticipate. Even if you and your divorce attorney are unsure of all the details, it helps your children to know what to expect of this newly restructured family unit. For instance, have clear communication about when they will see both parents and if or when they will spend the nights at the other parent’s home.
Navigating a divorce is never easy. And when you have children, it can be incredibly challenging. By following through with some of these pointers, you may help your children feel more comfortable throughout the entire process.